Bits and bobs, heres and theres...
Much of my inspiration for this site comes from other sites! These are some places I've been and loved.
If I've linked to your site and somehow misrepresented it or you, kindly leave a message on my Neocities profile. 😊
Art Inspiration
- A cicada playing drums
- Anthill Museum
- Gardengod
- Rooms for Tourists by Edward Hopper
- The Leaves This Season
- Emily Luyk Art
- Mio Ebisu
- Nests and eggs of birds of the United States
- The North American sylva
- Shary Boyle Art
- Sorahana
- The Woman Behind the Gun by Gordon Ross
Web Resources
- A motherfucking website.
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Folklore and Mythology
- EmuOS
- House of me
- Incarceration in Real Numbers
- Kafka-land
- Pine Cone Cattery
- Richard Bartle's site
- Rotating Sandwiches
Button Collection

Small Pets

Large Pets

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Parrots taste with the roofs of their mouths.
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